Maximum bearing capacity: 125000, instantaneous bearing capacity: 41700
Four seasons of Bantang
Bantang hot spring and health resort Company Profile

Bantang hot spring And health resort is located in Anhui Chaohu Economic Development Zone, with a total planning area of about 43.40 square kilometers. In January 2018, the resort was approved as the first "national tourist resort" in Anhui Province. The land of nine blessings.



Three melons commune takes the idea of "building the countryside more like the countryside" as the design concept, and takes the idea of "old as before, experiencing the true" as the planning concept. With the implementation of the "Internet plus three rural", we explore the integration of one or two, three production, integration of agriculture, tourism and cultural tourism, and combine the new mode of leisure agriculture development and beautiful countryside construction, and take the road of new urbanization and ecological green development.
Delicious food
  • Sangua commune
  • Roasted tea house | roasted tea tastes mellow
  • Carpenter's workshop: getting hands-on fun
  • Li Bai's bar is filled with five light liquid.


There are wine shop, oil shop, cloth shop, tea shop and bamboo shop, which let tourists experience and inherit folk culture.


Red arrow military shooting experience Hall
Children's garden
Sangua paradise
Real CS
Treetops Adventure 
Wanghongqiao paradise

  • Red Arrow Military Shooting Experience Hall
  • Children's Wild Fun Park
  • Sangua Paradise
  • Real CS
  • Jungle crossing
  • Net Red Bridge Paradise